
Showing posts from October, 2016

Access Modifiers in C#

In our earlier posts of csharp tutorial series , you must have noticed public or private words written inside the code. Although we must have specified the meaning in context wherever we felt necessary. But now is the time to actually understand the meaning of all those words. They are called access modifiers, let's see what are these and what's their usage?

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Set System Date Using C#

Recently we were looking for a solution to set system date programmatically using C#. We found one of the solution that worked well for us because we only wanted to set the date not the time.

How To Run Exe File Or Bat File As Adminstrator : Windows 8 & Above

Often we come across some applications which require administrator rights to perform some specific tasks. For that we need to close the application, then open it by right clicking on it and then selecting Run As Administrator , but that's really annoying if task has to be done on daily basis. In this post we will learn how can we make a file to run permanently as administrator.